Diocese of Scranton
Engineering services for the restoration of roofs, exterior walls, and interior finishes for the Diocese of Scranton circa 1961 St. Pius X Seminary. Comprised of 108,250 square feet of two-story administrative, chapel, dining, kitchen, classroom, residence, and basement spaces forming a primary axis with connecting wings, the roof membranes and wall facades were severely deteriorated due to design deficiencies, poor workmanship, and long-term deterioration.
Specifically, roof membranes have contracted excessively and displaced flashing at skylights, mechanical equipment penetrations, and parapet walls. Steel lintels at window and door openings were severely corroded, and brick veneer throughout the facility was cracked and separated due to storm water infiltration.
Since there are numerous roof levels throughout the facility, the renovation work was divided into six distinct phases. This allowed for construction work to be started and completed within one construction season for each phase. Contract documents were prepared for each specific phase utilizing common elements to minimize repetition in the document preparation. Clerk-of-the work services were provided on a bi-weekly basis by our firm.
Building engineering services include review of existing construction plans, specifications, and reports; on-site verification of existing conditions; structural analysis of existing structural systems; review of regulatory codes; preparation of design criteria and loads; preparation of calculations, construction plans, specifications, construction cost estimates; and, bid and construction phase services that include shop drawing review and construction phase site visits.
Construction Cost: $1,527,381.00