Clifford Township
Prime design consultant services to design a replacement bridge along Township Road T460 over Idlewild Creek.
Engineering services include review of existing documentation and regulatory agency submission requirements; preparation of a site boundary, topographic and utility survey; wetlands delineation; preparation of an hydrologic/hydraulic report; subgrade core borings to verify subgrade engineering properties and laboratory testing of recovered subgrade cores; preparation of geotechnical engineering investigation report; preparation of construction drawings and bound technical specifications; preparation of applications required by regulatory agencies; preparation of soil erosion and sedimentation plans, narrative, and calculations; preparation of stormwater management plans, narrative, and calculations; submission of the above plans, narratives, and calculations to regulatory agencies; response to regulatory agencies review comments and revision of plans, narratives, and calculations based upon review comments; attendance at a meeting for each regulatory agency to discuss proposed site improvements; construction cost estimates; and, bid and construction phase services that include shop drawing review and construction phase site visits.
Estimated Construction Cost: $336,781.00